eBookGold 3 is a step by step HTML e-book compiler. It allows you to convert unlimited HTML files and pictures into a deliverable e-book format, with best in class security features.

So why use eBookGold versus a product like Adobe Acrobat's PDF files? PDF files require the end user to download a viewer. eBookGold files are viewable on any Windows 98/ME/2K/XP computer. No additional viewer is necessary! PDF files offer limited or no security, so once your file is delivered it can be copied to any number of people.

With eBookGold you have the option to distribute your e-book freely, but you also have advanced security features available! You can password protect your file, and you can even lock your e-book to a single user's computer so it can not be copied! You can even secure individual parts of your e-book, and after an online sale, automatically provide a PIN code which will allow the reader to unlock their copy!

Because eBookGold utilizes HTML, the options to customize your book are limitless. You can embed Flash animations, java script, movies, audio and much, much more.

Before using eBookGold, you should complete the following steps:
  • Save your book in HTML Format...
    • You may have to convert your files from word processor format, or copy your information into a good HTML Editor.

    • Nvu is a good open source (FREE) HTML Editor.  It's a WYSIWYG (for What You See is What You Get), so it's as easy to use as your favorite word processor.  You can download a copy at

    • For help preparing your book in HTML format, please see our Beginner's Guide.

  • Store all of your files in ONE Folder...
    • eBookGold will compile all of your files within ONE folder.  This will be called your Project Folder.  Sub-folders will be included as well.

    • Make sure all content of your e-book such as pictures and videos are linked to files within your Project Folder, and not Web Site URL addresses.

  • Link your pages together...
    • eBookGold does not automatically link your pages or create an index (table of contents) file. You must do this yourself, but it's easy and only takes a few moments.

    • Our Beginner's Guide shows how to easily link your pages together and create an index.


To convert Microsoft Word documents into HTML format for use with eBookGold, simply change your "Save As" file type from ".doc" Word format to "Web Page / HTML" format.  Pictures and other content will automatically be saved in a sub-folder.  You can make changes to the new HTML files using Word.

 Creating a New Project



This is the Welcome Screen that greets you upon starting eBookGold.  Your options are:

  • Start a new Project
  • Open an existing Project
  • View the User's Guide

 Saving your Project File


The File menu

The File menu gives you access to the same three options, but will also allow you to Save your project.

When you save a project, it will be saved with the file extension .ebf. This will become your Project File.  The project file is not your final e-book product.

Your e-book will be in .exe format, and will be Generated in the last step of the eBookGold process.

The Project File is used to store the settings and selections for each of your e-book projects, so you return to make changes. This way you can have several e-book projects on-the-go at one time, and each can have different settings.



Anytime you make changes to your HTML files, or eBookGold Project settings remember to generate a fresh copy of your .exe e-book file!
 Preferences and Importing Files

The Tools menu

The Tools menu gives you access to your personal Preferences. Clicking on Private Area will take you to the web interface, where you can manage your PIN codes.


Once you have started and saved your first Project, eBookGold will not display the Welcome Screen. For your convenience, it will return to the last project you were working on.  You can change this option in the Tools >> Preferences menu.

Under the Tools >> Preferences menu, you will find a tab called Importing.  There are various file types which will automatically be imported from your Project Folder.

If you require other file types to be included (i.e., if you were planning to embed a compressed .ZIP file) you would add the extension to this list.

By default sub-folders within your Project Folder will also be imported.  If you do not want sub-folders included, remove the check.

Importing file types.

 Navigation and the Side Bar


The Navigation Bar is always visible to the left side of the eBookGold Project window.  Clicking on a bar will show the available screens in that category.  Above are the Project screens for Appearance.

The Navigation Buttons are available at the bottom of each Project screen.  Create your e-book "step-by-step" so you don't miss any important settings or features.


If you miss any steps, eBookGold will notify you before generating your e-book file. If there are any errors (such as 'you forgot to set a home page'), double-clicking will take you to the screen in question.


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